Computational Econometrics and Financial Time Series
- Alessandra Amendola, University of Salerno, Italy
- Josu Arteche, University of the Basque Country, Spain.
- Francesco Audrino, University of Lugano, Switzerland.
- Giovanni Barone Adesi, University of Lugano, Switzerland.
- Luc Bauwens, UCL/CORE, Belgium.
- Jerry Coakley, University of Essex, UK.
- Andrea Cipollini, University of Essex, UK.
- Veronika Czellar, University of Washington, US
- Petros Dellaportas, Athens University, Greece.
- Giovanni De Luca, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy.
- Jurgen Doornik, Nuffield College, Oxford, UK.
- Christian. Francq, University Lille III, France.
- Sylvia Fruhwirth-Schnatter, Johannes Keppler University,
- Giampiero Gallo, University of Florence, Italy.
- Roberto Leon Gonzalez, University of Leicester, UK.
- Christian Hafner, UCL/CORE, Belgium.
- Lennart Hoogerheide, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- James Huang, Lancaster University, UK.
- Marwan Izzeldin, Lancaster University Management School, UK.
- Robert C. Jung, Eberhard-Karls University at Tuebingen,
- Elena Kalotychou, Cass Business School City University, London,
- Neil Kellard, University of Essex, UK.
- Siem Jan Koopman, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Michele La Rocca, University of Salerno, Italy.
- Jose Juan Lopez Espin, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain
- Oscar Martinez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain.
- David McMillan, University of St Andrews, UK.
- Anthony Murphy, Nuffield College & Oxford University, UK.
- Marcella Niglio, University of Salerno, Italy.
- Jose Olmo, City University, London, UK.
- Richard Paap, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Marc Paolella, Swiss Bank Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
- Paolo Paruolo, University of Insubria, Italy.
- Marius Ooms, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Cira Perna, University of Salerno, Italy.
- Giuseppe Storti, University of Salerno, Italy.
- Herman K. Van Dijk, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Carlos Velasco, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.
- Jean Michel Zakoian, University Lille III, France.
Functional Genomics
- Adrian Alexa, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken,
- Tim Beissbarth, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,
- Henrik Bengtsson, Lund University, Sweden
- Axel Benner, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,
- Paul Bertone, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK
- Elia Biganzoli, University of Milano, Italy
- Anne-Laure Boulesteix, Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis
Research, Germany
- Richard Bourgon, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton,
- Benedikt Brors, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,
- Peter Buehlmann, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
- Anthony Davison, Ecole Poytechnique Federale de Lausanne,
- Mauro Delorenzi, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB),
Lausanne, Switzerland
- Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur,
- Ramon Diaz-Uriarte, Spanish National Cancer Center, Madrid,
- Martin Dugas, University of Muenster, Germany
- Jelle Goeman, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The
- Darlene Goldstein, Ecole Poytechnique Federale de Lausanne,
- Wolfgang Huber, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton,
- Manuela Hummel, IBE, LMU Munich, Germany
- Dirk Husmeier, Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland, Edinburgh,
- Carina Ittrich, BI Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Biberach, Germany
- Berthold Lausen, Friedrich-Alexander-University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Wolfgang Lehrach, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Ulrich Mansmann, IBE, LMU Munich, Germany
- Crispin Miller, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research,
Manchester, UK
- Martina Mittlboeck, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
- Yudi Pawitan, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
- Alexander Ploner, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
- Joerg Rahnenfuehrer, University of Dortmund, Germany
- Magnus Rattray, University of Manchester, UK
- Dirk Repsilber, FBN, Dummerstorf, Germany
- Juliane Schaefer, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
- Rainer Spang, University of Regensburg, Germany
- Korbinian Strimmer, University of Leipzig, Germany
- Simon Tavare, University of Cambridge, UK
- Achim Tresch, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
- Arndt von Haeseler, Center for Integrative Bioinformatics Vienna,
- Anja von Heydebreck, MERCK KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
- Marc Weimer, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,
- Wiebke Werft, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,
Fuzzy Statistical Analysis
- Christian Borgelt, European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres,
- Simone Borra, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy.
- Giuseppe Bove, Universita di "Roma Tre", Italy.
- Maria Rosa Casals, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain.
- Ana Colubi, University of Oviedo, Spain.
- Renato Coppi, University of Rome, Italy.
- Norberto Corral, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain.
- Thierry Denoeux, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France.
- Agostino Di Ciaccio, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy.
- Pierpaolo D'Urso, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy.
- Maria Angeles Gil, University of Oviedo, Spain.
- Paolo Giordani, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy.
- Gil Gonzalez Rodriguez, European Centre for Soft Computing,
Mieres, Spain.
- Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
- Olgierd Hryniewicz, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
- Rudolf Kruse, Universitat Magdeburg, Germany.
- Maria Teresa Lopez, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain.
- Maria Asuncion Lubiano, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain.
- Mylene Masson, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France.
- Manuel Montenegro, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain.
- Detlef D. Nauck, BT's Intelligent Systems Lab, Ipswich, UK.
- Wolfgang Naether, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg,
- Pedro Teran, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.
- Wolfgang Trutschnig, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria.
- Reinhard Viertl, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria.
Latent Variable and Structural Equation Models
- Silvia Cagnone, University of Bologna, Italy.
- Cees Glas, University of Twente, Netherlands.
- Leonardo Grilli, University of Florence, Italy.
- Karl Joreskog, University of Uppsala, Sweden.
- Albert Maydeus-Olivares, University of Barcelona, Spain.
- Stefania Mignani, University of Bologna, Italy.
- Irini Moustaki, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.
- Carla Rampichini, University of Florence, Italy.
- Albert Satorra, University of Pompeu Fabra University, Spain.
- Anders Skrondal, London School of Economics, UK.
- Marieke Timmerman, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
- Bernard Veldkamp, University of Twente, Netherlands.
- Jeroen Vermunt, University of Tilburg, Netherlands.
- Fan Yang-Wallentin, University of Uppsala, Sweden.
Matrix Computations and Statistics
- Peter Arbenz, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland
- Constantinos Bekas, IBM Research Division, Zuirch,
- Maurice Clint, Queens University of Belfast, Northen Ireland,
- Pasqua D'Ambra, ICAR-CNR, Naples, Italy
- Daniela di Serafino, Second University of Naples, Italy
- Iain Duff, RAL, Chilton, UK
- Lars Elden, Linkoping University, Sweden
- Nahid Emad, University of Versailles, France
- Jocelyne Erhel, INRIA/IRISA, Rennes, France
- Elisa Francomano, University of Palermo, Italy
- Paolo Foschi, University of Bologna, Italy
- Efstratios Gallopoulos, University of Patras, Greece
- Christian Gatu, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
- Jacek Gondzio, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Laura Grigori, INRIA/IRISA, Rennes, France
- Patrick Groenen, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Martin H. Gutknecht, ETHZ, Switzerland
- Mohamed Hanafi, ENITIAA, Nantes, Frace
- Martin Hanke-Bourgeois, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz,
- Per Christian Hansen, Technical University, Denmark
- Nicholas Higham, University of Manchester, UK
- Effrosyni Kokiopoulou, EPFL, Switzerland
- Erricos John Kontoghiorghes, University of Cyprus and
University of London, UK
- Roger Lafosse, University of Toulouse, France
- George Loizou, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
- Nicola Mastronardi, CNR, Bari, Italy
- Eric Moreau, University of Toulon, France
- Annie Morin, University of Rennes, France
- Hans Bruun Nielsen, Technical University, Denmark
- Andy Nisbet, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
- Gabriel Oksa, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava,
- Serge G. Petiton,University of Lille, France
- Bernard Philippe, INRIA/IRISA, Rennes, France
- Berc Rustem, Imperial College, University of London, UK
- Valeria Simoncini, CNR, Pavia, Italy
- Zdenek Strakos, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
- Gerardo Toraldo, University of Naples, "Federico II",
- Nickolay Trendafilov, Open University, UK
- Marian Vajtersic, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Sabine Van Huffel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Michalis Vazirgiannis, Univ. of Economics & Business, Athens, Greece
- Petko Yanev, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- Zahari Zlatev, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark
Mixture Models
- Marco Alfo, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
- Patrice Bertrand, ENST Bretagne, Rennes, France
- Dankmar Bohning, University of Reading, UK
- Christophe Biernacki, Universite Lille 1, France
- Daniela G. Calo, University of Bologna, Italy
- Gilles Celeux, Universite Paris-Sud, France
- Antoine Chambaz, Universite Paris 5 Rene Descartes, France
- Gabriela Ciuperca, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I, France
- Alessio Farcomeni, University "Sapienza", Rome, Italy
- Anton Forman, University of Vienna, Austria
- Herwig Friedl, Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Sylvia Fruhwirth-Schnatter, Johannes-Kepler University Linz,
- Bernard Garel, Institute National Polytechnique de Toulouse,
- Elisabeth Gassiat, Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- Gerard Govaert, Universite de Technologie Compiegne, France
- Bettina Grun, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
- Yann Guedon, CIRAD, Montpellier, France
- Christian Hennig, UCL, UK
- Heinz Holling, Univeristy of Munster, Germany
- Salvatore Ingrassia, Universita di Catania, Italy
- Dimitris Karlis, Athens University of Economics, Greece
- Christine Keribin, Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- Ronny Kuhnert, Robert-Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany
- Friedrich Leisch, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universitat Munchen,
- Jean-Michel Marin, Universite Paris-Sud, France
- Francesca Martella, University of Leuven, Belgium
- Antonello Maruotti, University "Sapienza", Rome, Italy
- Luciano Nieddu, Libera Universita degli Studi "San Pio V", Rome,
- Valentin Patilea, CREST-ENSAI, France
- Denys Pommeret, Universite de la Mediteranee Aix-Marseille II,
- Christian P. Robert, Universite Paris-Dauphine, France
- Roberto Rocci, University "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy
- Guillaume Saint-Pierre, INRIA Futurs, France
- Peter Schlattmann, Institute for Medical Biometry, Charite
Berlin, Germany
- Peter Schlattmann, Institute for Medical Biometry, Charite
Berlin, Germany
- Wilfried Seidel, Helmut Schmidt University, Germnay
- Krunoslav Sever, Helmut Schmidt University, Germany
- Peter M. Steiner, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna,
- Michael Titterington, University of Glasgow, UK
- Jeroen Vermunt, Tilburg University, Netherlands
- Donatella Vicari, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
- Maurizio Vichi, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
- Marco Di Zio , National Statistical Institute, Rome, Italy
- Victor del Rio Vilas, Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Weybridge,
Optimization Heuristics in Estimation and Modelling
- Roberto Baragona, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
- Francesco Battaglia, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
- Jorge Cadima, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa,
- Marco Chiarandini, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
- Jorge Orestes Cerdeira, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa,
- Gunter Dueck, IBM Deutschland, Mannheim, Germany.
- Manfred Gilli, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
- Gottfried Haber, University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
- Uwe Jaekel, University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, Germany.
- George Kapetanios, Queen Mary, University of London, UK.
- Dietmar Maringer, CCFEA, University of Essex, UK.
- David Moreno, Universidad Carlos III, Spain.
- Luis Paquete, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
- Sandra Paterlini, University of Modena, Italy.
- Irene Poli, University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Italy.
- Detlef Seese, University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Katja Specht, University of Applied Sciences, Pforzheim,
- Anna Staszewska, University of Lodz, Poland.
- Carlo Vercellis, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
- Peter Winker, University of Giessen, Germany.
Robust Analysis of Complex Data Sets
- Olcay Arslan, Cukurova University, Turkey.
- Tadeusz Bednarski, Wroclaw University, Poland.
- Frank Critchley, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
- Christophe Croux, K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
- Istvan Fazekas, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.
- Peter Filzmoser, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
- Ursula Gather, University of Dortmund, Dortmund,
- Jana Jureckova, Charles University in Prague, Czech
- Tonu Kollo, University of Tartu, Estonia
- Neyko M. Neykov, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology,
Sofia. Bulgaria.
- Hannu Oja, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland.
- Daniel Pena, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.
- Ana Maria Pires,, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa,
- Marco Riani, University of Parma, Italy.
- Elvezio Ronchetti, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
- Dietrich von Rosen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Uppsala, Sweden.
- Peter Rousseeuw, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
- Anne Ruiz-Gazen, Universite Toulouse 1, France.
- Stefan Van Aelst, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium.
Statistical Algorithms and Software
- Massimo Aria, University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
- Marta Avalos, University of Paris 7, France.
- Farid Beninel, CREST, France.
- Axel Benner, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg, Germany.
- Thorsten Bernholt, Universität Dortmund, Germany.
- Gerard Brunet, Centre de Noron, France.
- Peter Bühlmann, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- Guido Consonni, University of Pavia, Italy.
- Josep Daunis, Universitat de Girona, Spain.
- Miquel De Caceres, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
- Miguel Delgado Pineda, UNED, Spain.
- Ioannis Demetriou, University of Athens, Greece.
- Marco Di Zio, ISTAT, Italy.
- A. Pedro Duarte Silva, Univ. Catolica at Porto, Portugal.
- Ramón Díaz-Uriarte, Spanish National Cancer Center, Spain.
- Cristian Gatu, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Karina Gibert, UPC, Spain.
- Jens Gramm, Universität Tuebingen, Germany.
- Bettina Grün, Technische Universität Wien, Austria.
- Jiong Guo, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany.
- Wolfgang Hartmann, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Kurt Hornik, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria.
- Torsten Hothorn, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
- Wolfgang Huber, European Bioinformatics Institute, United Kingdom.
- Michael Höhle, University of Munich, Germany.
- Stefano Iacus, University of Milan, Italy.
- Sigbert Klinke, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany.
- Markus Krätzig, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany.
- Ivan Krivy, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- Friedrich Leisch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.
- Uwe Ligges, Universität Dortmund, Germany.
- Jesus F. Lopez Fidalgo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
- Jean-Michel Marin, University of Orsay, France.
- Michael Massmann, University of Bonn, Germany.
- David Meyer, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria.
- Angelo Mineo, Universita di Palermo, Italy.
- Ladislav Misik, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- Martin Mächler, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- Rolf Niedermeier, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany.
- David Pellicer, TNS Audiencia de Medios, Spain.
- Thomas Petzoldt, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.
- Hans-Peter Piepho, Universität Hohenheim, Germany.
- Giuseppe Porro, University of Trieste, Italy.
- Anthony J. Rossini, Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland.
- Günther Sawitzki, Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
- Mauro Scanu, ISTAT, Italy.
- Theresa Scharl, Technische Universität Wien, Austria.
- Sören Sonnenburg, Fraunhofer Tübingen, Germany.
- Detlef Steuer, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Germany.
- Martin Theus, Universität Augsburg, Germany.
- Heather Turner, University of Warwick, UK.
- Josef Tvrdik, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- Antony Unwin, Universität Augsburg, Germany.
- Simon Urbanek, AT&T Research Labs, United States of America.
- Sergi Vives, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
- Claus Weihs, Universität Dortmund, Germany.
- Achim Zeileis, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria.
Statistics for Functional Data
- Alain Boudou, University of Toulouse 3, France
- Ricardo Cao Abad, University of Coruna, Spain
- Herve Cardot, INRA Dijon, France.
- Juan A. Cuesta Albertos, University of Cantabria, Spain
- Antonio Cuevas, University of Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
- Sophie Dabo-Niang, University of Lille, France
- Maria Dolores Ruiz Medina, University of Granada, Spain
- Manuel Febrero, University of Santiago, Spain.
- Frederic Ferraty, Universite Paul Sabatier, France
- Aldo Goia, University of Novara, Italy
- Wenceslao Gonzalez Manteiga, University of Santiago de
Compostela, Spain
- Winfried Stute, University of Giessen, Germany
- Ingrid Van Keilegom, University of Louvain le Neuve,
- Alois Kneip, University of Bonn, Germany
- Carlos Matran, Valladolid, Spain
- Paulo Oliveira, Coimbra, Portugal
- Alejandro Quintela del Rio, Coruna, Spain
- Mustapha Rachdi, University of Grenoble, France
- Yves Romain, University of Toulouse 3, France
- Pascal Sarda, University of Toulouse 3, France
- Mariano J. Valderrama, University of Granada, Spain
- Philippe Vieu, Universite Paul Sabatier, France
- Sylvie Viguier-Pla, University of Toulouse 3, France
- Qiwei Yao, University of London, UK
Statistical Signal Extraction and Filtering
- Andres M. Alonso, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.
- Umberto Amato, CNR, Naples, Italy.
- Anestis Antoniadis, Universite Joseph Fourier, France.
- Marcos Bujosa, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
- Gianluca Cubadda, University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy.
- Daniela De Canditiis, CNR, Rome, Italy.
- Manfred Deistler, University of Technology , Vienna, Austria.
- Paul Eilers, Leiden University Medical Centre, The
- Konstantinos Fokianos, University of Cyprus.
- Antonio Garcia Ferrer, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain.
- William J. Fitzgerald, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Simon Godsill, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Roland Fried, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.
- Ed. Godolphin, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
- Victor Gomez, Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda, Spain.
- Svend Hylleberg, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
- Miguel Jerez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
- Alessandra Luati, University of Bologna, Bologna,
- Agustin Maravall, Bank of Spain, Spain.
- Terrence Mills, Loughborough University, UK.
- Fionn Murtagh, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
- Sophia Olhede, Imperial College, University of London, UK.
- Jeremy Penzer, London School of Economics, London,
- Christophe Planas, The European Commission, Italy.
- D.S.G. (Stephen) Pollock, Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Tommaso Proietti, University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy.
- Paola Palmitesta, University of Siena, Italy
- Corrado Provasi, University of Padova, Italy
- Olivier Renaud, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
- Esther Ruiz, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.
- Bernd Schips, ETHZ, Switzerland.
- Kostas Triantafyllopoulos, University of Sheffield, UK.
- Tommi Vuorenmaa, University of Helsinki, Finland.
- Andrew Walden, Imperial College, University of London, UK.
- Brandon Whitcher, GlaxoSmithKline, UK.
- Marc Wildi, Institute of Data Analysis, ZHW, Switzerland.
Created by Computing & Statistics 2006