First Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on

Computing & Statistics

19-21 June 2008, Neuchâtel, Switzerland


In June the Euro2008 takes place in Switzerland and the hotel rooms are in hight demand. You are advised to book your accommodation early. A number of hotel rooms have been prereserved by the Neuchâtel Tourist office. The Hôtel des Arts, Hôtel Touring au Lac and Hôtel Beaulac are near the conference site and the town center. Conference participants can reserve their accommodation on line:

Hotel Booking form Online

For other accommodation possibilities (more hotels, Holiday apartments and B&B, or further information please contact:

Tourisme neuchâtelois
Hoôtel des Postes
Case postale 3176
CH-2002 Neuchâtel
Tel. +41 (0)32 889 68 90
Fax +41 (0)32 889 62 96

Student housing

A number of rooms will be available for all the conference participants. The rooms at Cite Universitaire are 10 mins walk from the conference venue and town centre, and have individual WC and shower. The availability will be know in early May 2008. Details can be found at URL: The tentative prices for the whole period of 3, 4 and 5 nights are 145 (110), 175 (135) and 205 (155) CHF, respectively (in brackets are the student prices). Pre-reservations can be made on first come - first served basis. For further information please contact Mrs Gordana Botalla at Send, Tel: +41 32 727 68 50 and Fax +41 32 727 68 51.

Created by Computing & Statistics 2007