First Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on
Computing & Statistics
19-21 June 2008, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

The meeting will take place jointly with the 5th International workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'08) and the 2nd International workshop on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE08). For further information please contact
Endorsed by:
- European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
- International Association for Statistical Computing.
Important dates:
Submission of 1-page abstracts: | 30 April 2008 (EXPIRED) |
Acceptance decision: | 7 May 2008 |
Workshop: | 19-21 June 2008 |
Submission of full papers: | 15 October 2008 (NEW) |
Notification of decision: | 15 January 2009 (tentative) |
Final papers: | 15 May 2009 (tentative) |
Created by Computing & Statistics 2007