5th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on
1-3 December 2012, Conference Centre, Oviedo, Spain

ERCIM 2012 Tracks and Chairs:

RDM: (ES01) Robust Analysis of Complex Data Sets
Christophe Croux, Mia Hubert and Stefan Van Aelst
MCS: (ES02) Matrix Computations and Parallelism
Stratis Gallopoulos, Erricos Kontoghiorghes, George Loizou and Ahmed Sameh
FSA: (ES03) Imprecision in Statistical Data Analysis
Ana Colubi and Thierry Denoeux
BSM: (ES04) Bayesian semi- and nonparametric modelling
Jim Griffin, Antonio Lijoi and Igor Pruenster
OHEM: (ES05) Optimization Heuristics in Estimation and Modelling
Manfred Gilli, Dietmar Maringer, Sandra Paterlini and Peter Winker
SEA: (ES06) Statistics of Extremes and Applications
Michael Falk, Ivette Gomes, Armelle Guillou and Johan Segers
TSA: (ES07) Time Series Modeling and Computation
Andres M. Alonso and Manuel G. Scotto
SAET: (ES08) Statistical Analysis of Event Times
Jacobo de Uña and M. Carmen Pardo
AlgSoft: (ES09) Statistical Algorithms and Software in R
Cristian Gatu, Peter Filzmoser and Achim Zeileis


ERCIM 2012 Organized Sessions:

CFE 2012 Organized Sessions: